42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

xHEV Concept Achieving 2030 CO2 Targets


Dr.-Ing. T. Uhlmann, Dr.-Ing. N. Alt, Dr.-Ing. D. Lückmann, Dr.-Ing. A. Balazs, Dipl.-Ing. P. Zwar, Dipl.-Ing. A. Müller, Dr.-Ing. M. Thewes, J. Frese BSc, FEV Europe GmbH, Aachen:



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Public perception of the automobile is focusing on environmentally sustainable drive trains. By 2030, the legislation for Europe envisages a 37.5 % reduction in CO2 emissions from passenger car fleets, with values in the direction of 55 % under discussion. To comply with these ambitious targets, most OEM anticipate a significant share of vehicles with electric hybridized powertrains (xHEV) and battery electric vehicles (BEV). In former investigations, FEV has demonstrated that the 2030 target of 37.5 % can be achieved by a highly efficient hybrid powertrain in combination with an optimized vehicle in the C-segment representing the average vehicle in the EU. In this study, vehicles belonging to different segments are defined, creating a “representative fleet” for a virtual OEM in 2030. For each segment, the customer groups are divided into a maximum of two different end-users:
• A/B-segment - Fun-to-drive or secondary car & low-cost daily commuting
• C-segment - Daily commuting
• D/E-segment - Business traveler & family vehicle
Taking into account the diverse use cases (e. g. predominantly city driving vs. long distance commuting) and customer preferences (e. g. low-cost vs. high performance requirements), different powertrain architectures are defined for each vehicle segment. 48 V HEV (not MHEV) in the A-segment, 400 V HEV in the C-segment, and PHEV in the D/E-segment lead to a fleet CO2 emission reduction of 40 % in 2030 (taking into account the shares of the individual segments in the total fleet in 2019) compared to 2021 targets. With a 27 % share of BEV (FEV scenario for 2030), a CO2-reduction of 55 % can be achieved. In a second step, real-driving behavior incl. battery charging strategy of the end-user as well as battery sizing for plug-in-hybrids (PHEV) are considered. A platform approach to reduce the number of platforms for 2030 is exemplarily presented for the D/E-segment.

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