Description - Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers
The Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers (Österreichischer Verein für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - ÖVK) is an organisation which seeks to promote the meaningful application of automotive engineering. Furthermore, it organises scientific conferences, lectures, seminars, and symposia at which experts can deepen and widen their knowledge in the field of automotive engineering, and publishes relevant documents. The Association’s supreme goal is to create a symbiosis between theoretical scientific findings and their practical application by engaging in a permanent dialogue and assuring an exchange of experience between engineers lecturing at universities or working in practice and scientists.
The Association was founded in 1985 on the initiative of Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Hans Peter Lenz (*1934 - †2022), today it has around 750 full members/natural persons.
In addition, its regular membership also includes numerous companies and organisations which are legal entities. A large number of personalities from the world of science, the business community, industry and politics have the status of corresponding members and give ideological support to the Association. Honorary members are appointed by the General Assembly upon proposal of the Board.
The ÖKV is the largest association of its kind in Austria. It brings together engineers, experts and all those interested in automotive engineering and the manifold applications of vehicles and thus represents the interests of its members from industry, the business community, public authorities, universities, engineering colleges, associations and clubs.
The ÖVK represents automotive engineering experts at home and abroad; it makes available its know-how and experience to public authorities, associations, interest groups and individuals, and issues recommendations to all the above.
Experience has shown that increasing use is being made of ÖVK’s services. Both at the national and international levels, ÖVK maintains close relationships with universities of technology and applied sciences, public authorities, associations, interest groups and the relevant associations abroad, especially VDI-Gesellschaft Fahrzeug- und Verkehrstechnik in Germany.
Since May 1990, the ÖVK has officially represented Austria in FISITA, opens new window (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Ingenieurs des Techniques de l’Automobile), the global umbrella organisation of the national automotive engineering associations worldwide.
In June 1990, ÖVK became a member of EAEC, opens new window (European Automobile Engineers Cooperation), the European umbrella organisation of the national automotive engineering associations.
Dipl.-Ing. Günter Hohl, retired brigadier, former Member of the Board and honorary member of the Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers, has acted as Vice-President of FISITA from 2000 to 2011 and was appointed President of EAEC in June 2005 till 2011.