43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Miba POWERfuse® – The Innovative Pyrotechnic Power-Separator Technology


Dipl.-Ing. G. Stempfer, Dipl.-Ing. P. Löffler, MEng P. Batthyany, MIBA eMobility GmbH, Vorchdorf; Dr.- Ing. R. Ratzi, Miba Energy Holding GmbH, Laakirchen; FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. P. Zeller, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria:



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For the acceptance of battery-electric systems, safety in all operating- and failure situations is mandatory. It is the safety components within the battery, which implement the transition from operating state to safe state in case of failure.

Among these safety components, the function of the power separator is to open the DC-powerline even in case of failure during current flow. This means extinguish the generated arc effectively, discharge the magnetic energy, force the DC-current to zero and separate the battery from the rest of the vehicle with a high insulation resistance.

Considering ongoing improvements by future battery- and charging technology, managing the opening of the DC-powerline will be more and more challenging for the power separators. These increasing challenges are caused by several significant improvements of the batteries and related charging technology – increased energy quantities, increased power capabilities as well as increased efficiency as key indicators. These improvements increase the demanded level of the so- called separation capability of the power separators - specified by increased voltage, increased shortcut current und partly also increased inductance of the electrical circuit involved.



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