42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

H2 ICE Powertrains for Future On-Road Mobility


Dr.-Ing. A. Kufferath, Dr.-Ing. E. Schünemann, Dr.-Ing. M. Krüger, Dipl.-Ing. M. Krüger, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart; Dr. S. Jianye, United Automotive Electronic Systems Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China; Univ.-Prof. Dr. H. Eichlseder, Graz University of Technology; Prof. Dr. sc. techn. T. Koch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT):



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Hydrogen is on its way to be an important energy carrier of the future. It will contribute to well-to-wheel and life cycle CO2 neutral on-road mobility solutions including EU targets for CO2 neutrality towards 2050. Important Asian markets (Japan, Korea, China) as well as the EU and some of its member states, e.g. France, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands, will accelerate the build-up of a hydrogen refueling infrastructure. Following a technology neutral approach, the hydrogen engine (H2 ICE) powertrain can be an important part of potential solutions. This paper focuses on relevant considerations regarding powertrain topologies and operating strategies including electrification as well as on relevant subsystems and components like exhaust gas treatment and fuel injectors for future hydrogen engines. The spectrum of engines and considerations in this paper range from commercial vehicle applications to light commercial vehicles and passenger cars. The results demonstrate feasibility and attractive characteristics of hydrogen engine-based powertrains for future on-road mobility.

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