42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Heavy Duty Vehicles GHG Legislation Paving the Way towards Decarbonisation of Transport


Dr. N. Steininger, Dr. D. Savvidis, European Commission, Brussels:



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Production/Publication ÖVK


The lecture will outline how European legislation addressing the 2022 – 2030 timeframe shall trigger the conversion of the HDV sector towards zero-emission mobility, which itself will of course occur only within a longer timeframe. A main challenge is keeping on the one hand sufficient regulatory flexibility since, given the very heterogeneous HDV use cases, at present no clear “winning technologies” for preparing the pathway towards decarbonisation are visible and ensuring on the other hand the availability of the necessary investments and infrastructures (which is difficult for all competing technologies at the same time).

The presentation will focus in particular on
‒ Climate overview
‒ Introduction of the status quo of EU HDV CO2 emissions legislation
‒ Upcoming developments for the certification of CO2 emissions, energy consumption and related parameters, such as zero-emission range, of low- and zero-emission HDV
‒ CO2 emissions determination of buses and medium lorries produced in multi-stage.
‒ Specific zero- and low-emission vehicle (ZLEV) aspects
‒ Strategic issues in relation to the decarbonisation of the HDV sector
‒ Timeline

Number of pages


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