43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Model-Based Gasoline Direct-Injection Control for Robust Emission Reduction


Dr.-Ing. C. Jörg, Y. Yasukawa MSc, Dipl.-Ing. A. Kleinmann, Hitachi Astemo Europe GmbH, Munich; N. Yoneya MSc, Dr.-Ing. H. Sauerland, A. Miyamoto MSc, Hitachi Europe GmbH, Munich; F. Fellner MSc, P. Fitz MSc, Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Wachtmeister, Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Jaensch, Technical University Munich:



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Upcoming regulation targets and ICE cost reduction ambitions require the implementation of ICE components with an optimal cost to performance ratio. Despite higher hardware costs in relation to a port fuel injection system, the direct fuel injection (DI) system offers a superior emission reduction potential and an improved fuel economy.

However, the available potential of a modern DI system (up to 7 injections events possible per cycle) is generally not exploited due to the high complexity that is associated with the application process for conventional map-based injection control: Optimal injection numbers, each timing and quantity must be determined for varying operation points and conditions. A multitude of combustion modes to cover hybridization, exhaust aftertreatment requirements and varying fuel properties add further calibration complexity.

Consequently, to exploit the benefits of modern DI systems, thus maximizing its cost to performance ratio, Hitachi Astemo demonstrates a novel direct injection control approach. A model-based injection profile setpoint determination algorithm is presented that performs a cycle-specific, crank-angle resolved multiple injection profile identification under consideration of a gas mixing target that prevents from wall wetting.



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