45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

Direct Air Capture – Key to Permanent CO2 Reduction


K. Dums, A. Siemens, C. Scholz, F. Ehrat, N. Hinterberger, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Zuffenhausen:



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The consequences of climate change due to the increase in CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are becoming increasingly clear. It is imperative to phase out the use of fossil fuels to limit the rise in temperature. Measurements show the exact course of the concentration over the last decades. But data derived from many millennia and millions of years in the past have now also been scientifically determined. On the one hand, the lecture shows that the CO2 concentration on earth has never been as high as it is now, despite considerable fluctuations since the evolution of advanced humanoids. On the other hand, the planet has been cycling CO2 as an essential raw material in the atmosphere, the oceans and the earth's surface for millions of years, and that this cycle can be harnessed. Renewably based synthetic fuels can help replace fossil fuels and enter such a circular economy. In addition to renewable energy and water, CO2 is also required to produce so-called eFuels. If one benchmarks the global locations for renewable energy, it becomes clear in many places that the availability of CO2 on an industrial scale represents a major challenge. This is not the only reason why many companies are working on extracting CO2 directly from the atmosphere, using the so-called Direct Air Capture process (DAC). 





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