30 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
The L3Pilot Impact Assessment
H. Weber, J. Hiller, L. Eckstein, ika, RWTH Aachen University; A. Zlocki, fka GmbH
The EU project L3Pilot promotes and analyses automated driving in Europe. By operating a large fleet of automated roads collecting both sensor data as well as user data it allows to evaluate the impact automated driving has on traffic but also evaluate further relevant impacts for society. L3Pilot includes an impact assessment which is focusing on the impact areas safety, energy & efficiency, and mobility. The project elaborated a state of the art methodology to judge potential positive as well as negative impacts automated driving has on society utilizing the piloting data, extensive simulations and analysis of external data source. All finding are scaled up to EU level. Finally, all impacts are translated to monetary values and compared with the costs of automated driving to evaluate the net gains for society.
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