45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

CO2 Negative aFuel as a Global Energy Carrier and Solution for Future Electric Mobility


C. Meusburger, J. Prock, P. Zanolin, H. Nagarajan, T. Schwendinger, F. Obrist, OBRIST Powertrain GmbH, Lustenau:



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aFuel (atmospheric Fuel), the energy carrier development of Obrist, combines a renewable methanol production with a carbon sink process. A key technology in both part processes is Direct Air Capture (DAC), where a proprietary process was developed, that looks to be functional, economically sound and deployable in large scale. The application of renewable methanol is further detailed through test results of the vibration free (ZVG) two-cylinder engine, fueled by methanol. This engine is used as a generator drive and avoids rapid load changes. Finally, the integration of said engine into a small fleet of prototype vehicles is outlines and verified in various test cycles.





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