29 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Benchmark Framework for Autonomous Shuttle Concepts for Future Urban Passenger Transportation
Mirko Engelhard, Alexander Nase, Christoph Rodenstock, Tim Schaffarczyk, FEV Consulting GmbH, Aachen, Germany;
Christopher Körtgen, Jürgen Abel, FEV Europe GmbH, Aachen, Germany
Autonomous shuttles aim to close the gap in inner-city public transportation systems at the first and last mile. While many different vehicle concepts exist, standardized and objective evaluation methods to assess and compare different vehicle concepts and their technical performance are missing. The independent benchmark framework presented in this paper enables an objective evaluation of different autonomous shuttle concepts based on standardized test scenarios and procedures under consideration of the targeted application purpose and capabilities. This framework provides the possibility to evaluate the shuttle concepts against each other and in all relevant aspects for qualification as a future transport mode.
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