42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Defossilisation in Road Goods Transport: Life-Cycle Climate Impacts of Alternative Truck Technologies and Fuels


H. Helms, Dr.-Ing. K. Biemann, M. Allekotte, J. Jöhrens, D. Münter, A. Liebich, H. Fehrenbach, U. Lambrecht, ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung, Heidelberg:



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While technologies for defossilisation are already available on the market in individual passenger transport, especially in the form of battery-electric passenger cars, the possible solutions in heavy road freight transport are still openly discussed. Due to the long driving distances and high payloads, it is probably not efficient to defossilise this sector with battery vehicles alone. Therefore, fuel cell trucks with significantly higher ranges and overhead catenary trucks are being discussed as further possible solutions. In addition, there is the possibility of using electricity-based fuels (PtL diesel) in conventional diesel trucks. In order to show the strengths and weaknesses of the different options, greenhouse gas emissions over the life cycle (including vehicle production and energy supply) are calculated and compared, assuming operation in Germany. The results show a clear climate advantage for concepts with direct use of electricity such as overhead catenary trucks and battery electric vehicles, which should therefore be used wherever possible. Fuel cell trucks and the use of PtL diesel, in turn, allow for longer ranges, but only lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil diesel if additional renewable electricity is used for H2 and PtL production. The currently debated import options, however, presuppose that not only a high potential for the generation of renewable electricity exists in potential countries of origin, but also that the corresponding production capacities are established until 2030. It would thus have to be ensured that sustainability criteria with regard to political, social and ecological requirements are observed in addition to the economically and technically demanding technology ramp-up.

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