43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Sensible Pathways to Defossilised European Mobility in 2050 on a Cradle-to-Grave Basis


Dr.-Ing. U. Kramer, Ford-Werke GmbH, Cologne; Dr. rer. pol. D. Bothe, Frontier Economics Ltd., Cologne; Dipl.-Ing. F. Dünnebeil, ifeu - Institut fuer Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH, Heidelberg:



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On the basis of the FVV Fuels Study IV, different technology (energy/fuel – powertrain) pathways (100% scenarios) are investigated that all lead to carbon neutral mobility in 2050. They are compared with regard to energy demand, total costs, cumulative greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts by means of a holistic cradle-to-grave approach, that considers all relevant costs and emissions from vehicle production and the setup of a complete sustainable energy supply system. For this purpose, the emissions caused by the construction of the infrastructure, such as wind turbines, electrolysers or charging stations, are also included. Only such an analysis of the entire energy system delivers valid insights into efficient defossilisation strategies.



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