29 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Optimization of a Traction Inverter in its System Context
Dr. Christoph Gillen, Tobias Weling, Björn Nemitz, GKN Automotive, Technology Center Europe, Lohmar, Germany
P4 hybrids and all-electric drives play an important role in the electrification strategies of major automotive manufacturers. To achieve cost, package and performance goals, system suppliers need the ability to optimize components and their interfaces within customer specifications. As the most complex and cost-intensive component of the system, attention must be paid to the traction inverter.
Based on the system context and the most important optimization goals of the traction inverter the system parameters essential for achieving the goals are identified and mapped onto the inverter. Different analyses are performed to demonstrate the influence on key components as well as the resulting effects on efficiency, performance and electromagnetic compatibility.
The effects of technology trends such as the scalability of power modules, higher levels of integration and performance requirements on the essential features of the inverter are discussed in the outlook.
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