45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

Assessment of Potential Employment and Cost Changes as the Result of Light-Duty Vehicle Electrification


V. Kanyaboiena, G. Kolwich, FEV Consulting Inc., Auburn Hills; M. Olechiw, B. Ellies, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Ann Arbor:



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In contract with the EPA, FEV has performed a publicly available side-by-side tear-down comparison analysis of a purpose-built Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle (ICEV) and Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)—the tear-down analysis aimed to perform a detailed cost and man-hour per vehicle study. The study was then used to inform emission regulations in the United States. The two vehicles chosen were the VW Tiguan and ID.4, which are of similar utility and position in the U.S. market. This paper will present the study results and how the information was reflected in EPA’s recent regulations. EPA will present the overall strategy for initiating and applying the research in the regulatory process. FEV will present the technical analysis, how the research was conducted, and the overall results.





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