42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

The CO2 Footprint in the Life Cycle of Passenger Cars – A Comparison of Hybrid, Plug-In and Electric Vehicles with a Detailed Consideration of Battery Production and the Country-Specific Energy Mix


Dr. A. Bisenius, J. Groß MSc, Dipl.-Ing. M. Hackmann, Dipl.-Ing. J. Schenk, Dipl.-Kfm. Techn. R. Stanek, P3 automotive GmbH, Stuttgart:



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The life cycle CO2 footprint of mobility concepts is being assessed with different data basis and observation horizons. Independent from manufacturers, the presentation will show a consideration of different drivetrain technologies (Hybrid, PHEV, BEV) and current production trends. In addition, efficiency models and energy-based analyzes - from production over operation up to recycling - are compiled for all types of drive. The results from the energy-based analysis are also being presented as a country-specific CO2 life cycle footprint. Hereby, the different solutions of battery technologies and production facilities are considered over the period from 2010 to 2030. The underlying energy balances include an overall analysis of the vehicle production, an efficiency analysis of the overall supply chain - from the source to the wheel - and an analysis of the energy sources used in the various regions and countries. For the analysis, best in class factories, the cloud of all factories, best in class drivetrain technologies and the cloud of specific solutions are being evaluated. Based on the current situation and the key findings of the presentation, possible scenarios for 2030 and 2050 will be shown. In the summary, the well-known studies on this topic are classified in the solution space and corridors of the technologies in the different scenarios will be presented.

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