29 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
HMI Concept for the Optimization of the Used Range in Battery Electric Vehicles
Philip Westerkamp, M.Sc., Pia S. C. Dautzenberg, M.Sc., Christopher Brockmeier, M.Sc., Dr. phil. Stefan Ladwig, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lutz Eckstein, Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
The comparatively low range of battery electric vehicles is one of the main inhibition thresholds for widespread market penetration. This shortcoming is enhanced by the user not understanding and therefore not trusting the remaining range display, leading to an even shorter range of the vehicle-user-system. In this paper, a concept for a range display is developed, that adresses this issue by: providing information about the current energy consumption of auxilliary users, displaying sudden changes in range noticable and understandable for the user, and providing recommended actions to increase the remaining range when needed. The concept development is accompanied by a simulator study and the end results are planned be tested in a concluding virtual reality simulator study.
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