42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Cryogenic Storage of Liquid Hydrogen: Opportunities and Challenges of LH2 in Heavy Duty Trucks


Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr. J. Winklhofer, SAG Innovation GmbH, Lend:



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In order to run a heavy duty truck (HDT) efficiently, a transport company has to take into account the investment and operating cost and especially the availability of the vehicle, usable transport volume and payload. Within the competition of alternative drivetrain technologies liquid hydrogen (LH2) as energy source for a fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) offers advantages regarding the above emphasized aspects. In comparison to compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH) or battery electric vehicles (BEVs) the energy density of liquid hydrogen is higher and the refueling time significantly shorter. Company Salzburger Aluminium Group (SAG) has been market leader for aluminium diesel tanks for decades for HDTs in Europe and North America and develops and produces cryogenic storage solutions for liquid natural gas (LNG) and LH2. The outlined paper specifies the requirements for a cryogenic liquid hydrogen tank, compares its advantages and disadvantages with alternative zero emission energy storage solutions and discusses its opportunities and challenges.

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