43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Next Generation Mobility in Powertrain: Now


Wolf-Henning Scheider, Chairman of the Board of Management & CEO, ZF Group, Friedrichshafen:



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The imperative for the automotive industry is not merely managing the transformation necessary to achieve sustainable mobility, but ensuring it happens as quickly and effectively as possible. This demands technological innovation and industrialization on a scale and at a pace beyond anything that has ever been achieved. Powertrain is one central and substantial facet of that in relation to the major inflection points of e-mobility and autonomous driving, and against the backdrop of digitalization.

Under the auspices of its Next Generation Mobility strategy, ZF is accelerating the transformation process through systems efficiency, software, advanced automation, and autonomous solutions. In his keynote address, ZF Group CEO Wolf-Henning Scheider explains how ZF continues to pursue a radical strategy of decarbonization through key e- mobility technologies such as 800V SiC systems and a scalable and modular inverter architecture. Similarly, ZF’s work in Vehicle Motion Domain (VMD) control and autonomous transportation ecosystems is playing a major role in the transition to the software-defined vehicle. The fact that these innovations are productionized and already or imminently available further demonstrates that rapid transformation is possible, even under highly challenging global conditions. And moreover, that the continued ramp-up of this transformation is a crucial element in ZF’s strategy for continued and sustainable success.



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