42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

ZERO EMISSION. PERFECT SLOPES. The Technology Leader PRINOTH Gives Insights to Alternative Drives of Snow Groomers


Dipl.-Ing. M. Kirchmair MSc MBA, Dr.-Ing. A. Muigg, PRINOTH AG, Sterzing:



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PRINOTH presents the next electric generation and a hydrogen world premiere
PRINOTH has long been committed to creating sustainable technology as part of its CLEAN MOTION strategy. With a view to the ecological compatibility of snow groomers, the company developed two high-end concept vehicles that set the stage for future developments in zero-emission alternative drives. With the HUSKY eMOTION and the LEITWOLF h2MOTION, the South Tyrolean manufacturer presents a completely redesigned E-version and the world's first hydrogen-powered snow groomer. In recent years, ski resorts have been investing significant sums in sustainability measures. Next to the focus on sustainable energy generation and the increased use of regional resources, ecologically responsible slope management is a priority. PRINOTH took an early interest in these developments and invested considerable resources in advancing environmental friendly slope preparation. With the CLEAN MOTION strategy and these two concept vehicles, we demonstrate our commitment in helping to solve the pressing issues of the future.

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