43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Cathodic Gaseous Analysis for Fuel Cell Vehicles in Real Driving Conditions


Dr. B. Lechner, Dipl.-Ing. R. Schruth, Dipl.-Ing. B. Fischbacher, A. Cajic, Virtual Vehicle Research Center GmbH, Graz; Dr. C. Ahamer, Plastic Omnium New Energies Wels GmbH, Wels:



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Performance and life expectancy of a fuel cell (FC) depend strongly on the quality of available gases. On the cathode oxygen is taken from ambient air. Due to local emission (industry, internal combustion engines, agriculture, construction sites) the ambient air may contain SO2, NH3 or NOx which can damage the FC reversibly or irreversibly. This can reduce the life expectancy significantly.

To quantify the influence of local emission extensive measurements were undertaken with a measurement vehicle in the framework of the FFG funded project B.GASUS on different locations.

Gas samples were taken at the front of the measurement vehicle and NH3, NO, NO2, CO2 and SO2 were measured. Furthermore, the measurement vehicle was equipped with a GPS, video system and a LiDAR for intervehicle distance measurement.

Based on these measurements the average pollution of a FC-vehicle in heavy traffic was determined. The influence of regional parameters like ammonia emission in agricultural plants and SO2-emission of industrial plants were investigated as well.

Results of these investigations will be used for optimization of the air-intake path of the fuel cell to improve filter technologies, reduce maintenance intervals and improve life expectancy prediction.



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