45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

An Analysis of the Greenhouse Gas Potential of Current Powertrain Technologies


T. Stoll, H.-J. Berner, FKFS, Stuttgart; A. Casal Kulzer, University of Stuttgart:



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Long-term studies have identified the increase in global CO2 concentrations as the main reason for the rise in global mean temperature. This leads to the frequent occurrence of extreme weather phenomena, rising sea levels and poses a threat to ecosystems. To reduce these impacts, efforts must be made to keep the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere constant or even reduce it. A first step in this direction is the reduction of fossil CO2 emissions, which are firmly anchored in our production, energy and transport systems. These fossil CO2 emissions are generated during production, operation and final recycling of products and processes. With the help of life cycle analysis, these CO2 emissions of products and processes are made visible and thus tangible and assessable. In the context of the transport sector, there is a diversification of powertrain technologies, some of which have very low or no tank-to-wheel emissions. However, this analysis cannot be considered as complete, as both the production of the energy or the energy carrier and the production of the vehicles are disregarded. An assessment of the total emissions (cradle-to-grave) of a vehicle over its life cycle provides a holistic approach which is essential for an appropriate evaluation of these products. This paper presents life cycle models for various current powertrain technologies. To enable an appropriate comparison of these technologies, three representative vehicle configurations are evaluated and the carbon footprint for the production (cradle-to-gate) of these vehicles is compared.





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