17th Symposium - The Working Prozess of the Internal Combustion Engine
New entry OEM – A global phenomenon
David Ludwig, Magna Steyr Engineering Graz
The number of so-called new entry OEM is growing constantly and is not only restricted to the Chinese marketplace. Besides, the business motivation for these companies to enter the automotive markets differs significantly. This presentation deals with the new entry OEM’s heritage, motivation and the technical challenges that have a significant impact on the automotive industry and engineeringservice providers like Magna Steyr. This presentation describes two different approaches – the “Uber”-approach and the “Tesla”-approach.
Uber-approach companies try to use autonomous driving technology to distribute business models which basically consist of user data marketing and mobility as a service. These companies are not really interested in a respective vehicle differentiation but in the implementation of their AD devices. Dealing with vehicle development this leads to specific technical questions and challenges.
Tesla-approach companies use the driving forces of the electromobility hype, here we have a local concentration not only, but especially in China. In their requirements and questions these new entries are more similar to traditional OEM, as they are less interested in fleet management etc. unlike Uber-OEMs. Nevertheless, also here we face distinctive questions and challenges that are different from traditional OEMs.
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