42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Utilizing the Full Potential of Renewable Fuels


M. Hultman MSc, Dr. T. Sarjovaara DSc, Neste Oyi, Stockholm / Espoo:



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Throughout the history of modern transportation, we have become used to considering the combustion engine, fuels and fossil raw materials in an identical manner. However, this no longer holds true today. In EU, there is no such thing as 100% fossil road transportation fuel on the market, if we look at annual averages. Each member state has obligations to use a certain amount of renewable fuels in their fuel pools – and these obligations are increasing towards 2030. When aspiring towards more climate-friendly solutions, all emissions during the vehicle’s life cycle must be taken into consideration, from the manufacturing to the recycling. Many of us may be surprised by the results of comparing the emissions of electric and diesel cars during their life-cycle, which is about 200,000 kilometers, based on different energy sources. An electric vehicle running with 100% wind power may easily sound like the best solution. However, when comparing life cycle emissions, a diesel car running with 100% renewable fuel can be an even better alternative in view of emissions. None of the alternatives available, e.g. electrification or renewable fuels will be sufficient alone, especially not according to the required schedule. Remaining to focus on a single solution would be a grave mistake. The necessary technical breakthroughs already exist or are, at least, very close. All we have to do is to create an operating environment and culture that allow us to make optimum use of technologies to combat climate change.

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