45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

Pathways to Net-Zero for bp and Castrol


Rebecca Yates, VP Advanced Lubricants Products, bp, UK:



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bp is committed to transitioning from an International Oil Company to an Integrated Energy Company, pursuing a pathway to achieving its ambition to reach Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner and improve people’s lives. The three scenarios from bp’s Energy Outlook to 2050 will be presented, with a focus on changes predicted to be required in the road transport sector to reach Net-Zero. bp’s strategy and actions to decarbonise the mobility sector will be summarised alongside technology developments required for this energy transition.

The presentation will cover bp’s overarching strategy towards net zero, grow new low-carbon businesses, develop new products, and services. The status and plans for bp’s activities in charging of light- and heavy-duty battery electric vehicles will be outlined, together with activities in scaling up its hydrogen refuelling infrastructure and expanding its biofuels business. The complementary roles of e-fuels and biofuels in the transport sector will also be discussed. It will be shown how Castrol’s PATH360 strategy, aimed at saving waste, reducing carbon, embracing circular thinking, and supporting new and growing sectors, complements bp’s Net-Zero ambition. The presentation will demonstrate Castrol’s extensive activities to develop products which improve efficiency across powertrains and bring solutions to key performance challenges for hybrid and electric vehicles.





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