42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Optimal Drives for Automated HEV and BEV


Dipl.-Ing. A. Sturm, Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Küçükay, Technical University Braunschweig:



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The publication discusses the influence of connectivity and automated driving on future drive systems and which criteria must be taken into account in the development and optimization. For this purpose, different drive concepts for two mid-range vehicles (with and without automated driving function) are designed and optimized. Therefore, a computer-aided process for identifying optimal drive concepts was extended to include automated driving functions and digitalization influences. In the next step, the requirements of automated driving on the vehicle and the powertrain as well as the change in customer driving profiles are analyzed with the focus on a highway pilot. The customer cycle used for the parameter variation was adapted according to the application of the highway pilot. The parameter variation showed that a highway pilot can reduce the fuel consumption in customer operation up to 14% due to a changed driving profile with reduced average speed. The consumption reduction is hereby drive concept as well as dimensioning specific. It has been shown that BEVs and PHEVs with dedicated hybrid drives and combined add-on hybrids have the greatest consumption reduction potential. The variant-specific influence shows that it will be necessary in the future to take automated driving functions and their requirements into account when developing drive concepts.

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