45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

The Laser as a Core Technology in Electric Drive Manufacturing


M. Beranek, TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen:



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High power lasers have become the industry standard for electric drive manufacturing as has the common design of such motors, called ‘hairpin motors’. The term refers to the structure of the windings using rectangular shaped copper wires and has been adapted by all relevant automotive OEM and suppliers. TRUMPF is by far technology leader in this specific manufacturing area and a vital part to all new developments. Highly integrated lasersystems are utilized in this application, including high power cw lasers with beam shaping and high beam qualities, scanning optics and artificial intelligence supported camera based- as well as directly measuring sensors for weld joint position and seam tracking.

The lasersystem itself has become the core technology within the production chain for the superior automation capacity and processing speed offered especially in hairpin contacting before the background of a typically high number of connections that need to be realized at a single part. Additionally, high demands regarding reproducibility and process safety are fulfilled in a relatively late production step where high added value is present at the product.





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