29 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Fuel Cell System Simulation – Membrane Water Management
Sören Tinz, M.Sc., Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Pischinger, Institute for Combustion Engines (VKA), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany;
Dr.-Ing. Sönke Gößling, Matthias Bahr, M.Sc., Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Angelika Heinzel, ZBT GmbH, Duisburg, Germany
Humidity control is a vital aspect of fuel cell system operation and has a strong influence on the cell performance. Against this background, in this project a simulation model has been developed that allows to gain a fundamental understanding of water management and the fuel cell stack to system interaction with regard to humidity control. The model comprises a detailed physical model of the cell stack as well as models for all relevant auxiliary component groups which ensure hydrogen and air supply as well as cooling. It can be used as a tool for cell, stack and system design, for operation strategy development and due to its real time capability also for hardware in the loop (HiL) applications.
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