42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

PUNCH Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine & KERS: An Appealing Value-Proposition for Green Power Pack


Ing. R. Golisano, Ing. S. Scalabrini, Dr.-Ing. A. Arpaia, Dr.-Ing. F. Pesce, Dr.-Ing. A. Vassallo, Ing. L. Borgia, Ing. C. Cubito, Ing. V. Biasin, PUNCH Torino SpA, Torino; Ing. T. Knichel, PUNCH Flybrid Ltd, Silverstone; Prof. F. Millo, Dr.-Ing. A. Piano, Dr.-Ing. L. Rolando, Politecnico di Torino:



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The present paper discusses the results of an innovative green power pack constituted by Hydrogen-powered Internal Combustion Engine in combination with a Kinetic Energy Recovery System. In a world rapidly moving towards sustainable transportation but plagued by the economic uncertainty that this epochal transition causes, the possibility to merge the hydrogen cleanness with hybrid ICE technology represents an interesting option to bridge this conundrum. The Authors analyze ICE conversion options, with the goal to operate it at high efficiency and ultra-low emission under hydrogen fueling, thanks to new technologies made available in the injection, ignition and aftertreatment systems. The overall operating strategy of the resulting hydrogen engine in hybrid mode is also presented, considering the specific needs as well as strengths of hydrogen operation. The results show that thanks to the dynamic schedule and demanding duty of specific use cases, the combination of a hybrid based kinetic energy recovery system with a converted hydrogen-fueled ICE represents an interesting alternative to both hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) and Battery Electric Vehicles in terms of performance, efficiency and total cost of ownership.

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