43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Achieving Benchmark in Power Density and Sustainability for Power Net, Power Supply and Onboard Chargers by a New Generation of DC/DC Converters and OBCs with Gallium Nitride Semiconductors


Dr.-Ing. G. Rösel, M. Hackelsperger,  R. Knorr, J. Popov, Dr. rer. nat. C. Preis, A. Reich, Vitesco Technologies GmbH, Regensburg:



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The worldwide electrification of the transport sector requires the development of highly efficient and cost-effective power electronic components. Further the demand towards high integration of power electronic components is continuously rising.

Gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductor technology is the enabler for highest DC/DC / Onboard charger (OBC) efficiency as well as power density for automotive application. Especially the efficiency increase is demonstrating significant sustainability improvements of electrification technologies due to a significant reduction of energy losses during charging.

Finally, the forceful usage of GaN based OBCs and DC/DC converters lead to savings of CO2 equivalent losses that are comparable to the savings that can be reach by changing over from Si to SiC inverter.



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