45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

Influence of the Design of an Electric Powertrain (FCEV / BEV) on the Use of Rare Earths


S. C. Konradt, H. S. Rottengruber, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg:



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The design of an electric powertrain is influenced by various factors, including the vehicle class, performance class, and application. Additionally, there is a growing focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to meet climate protection targets. It is important to consider the use of rare earths in electric powertrains in addition to the life cycle analysis of vehicles. As part of the Critical Raw Materials Act, the European Commission aims to ensure that by 2030, ten percent of the annual demand for strategically important raw materials within the European Union comes from renewable sources. These materials include cobalt, lithium, and platinum. Currently, there are enough reserves to meet demand. However, extraction often occurs in developing nations and is associated with environmental pollution, significant water consumption, and human rights violations. Both battery electric and fuel cell vehicles require rare earth components.





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