17th Symposium - The Working Prozess of the Internal Combustion Engine
Comparing current and future E/EArchitecture trends of commercial vehicles and passenger cars
Tenny Benckendorff, Bosch Engineering GmbH;
Dr. Andreas Lapp, Thomas Oexner, Thomas Thiel, Robert Bosch GmbH
The major trends of the automotive industry, such as automated driving, connectivity and electrification require the introduction of new technologies and even technology leaps. They are as well influencing vehicle E/E-architectures as a whole. Vehicles become part of cyber-physical systems and centralization is considered as one of the measures to enable innovation and to reduce complexity. High performance vehicle computers are increasingly introduced as central cornerstones of future E/E architectures. Both, Commercial Vehicles (CV) and Passenger Cars (PC), are substantially affected by these trends. This has a significant impact on the business models of the OEMs and suppliers.
This paper investigates how these changes influence the future of E/E-architectures of CV as well as PC compared to nowadays architectures. A systematic evaluation method is introduced, applying criteria such as architecture patterns, computing power and communications technologies, including for example Automotive Ethernet and CAN FD, to analyze the common and individual characteristics of PC and CV E/E-architecture market trends. Typical examples are given of todays and future architecture market trends and their impact on CV and PC architectures are evaluated qualitatively. Furthermore, the motivations of these trends are discussed and architecture recommendations are given.
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