30 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
The EKPO NM 12 Stack Module – A Modular Stack Platform for HD-Applications
J. Kraft, EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies
The NM12 stack platform was developed for heavy duty applications with a rated power in the range from <100 kW - 200 kW, but is also suitable for a number of other applications. Core characteristics are – besides its high power density and compact design – the implementation of a number of system functionalities, standardized interfaces as well as a water and dust proof housing to allow for a minimum effort for the system integrator. Especially the integration of part of the anode loop – pressure regulation valve, droplet separators, purge and drain valves etc. – also increases safety of operation by minimizing the risk of hydrogen leakage. Besides intense testing of the stack under a variety of operating conditions an operational model of the stack was developed to predict its behavior under a wide range of different operating conditions and combinations of parameters. Using a DoE-approach minimizes the experimental effort though it is still possible to predict the stack’s behavior under the actual operating conditions aimed for by the customer. By this approach disadvantageous conditions can be identified and improved before actual stack operation is done.....
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