45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

Empowering the Globe with Sustainable Energy Solutions


T. Herdan, D. Nold, M. Marques, A. Lagos, HIF EMEA GmbH, Berlin:



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Production/Publication ÖVK


At HIF, our goal is to produce competitive eFuels by strategically utilizing the world's most favorable production locations with abundant renewable resources. While sites with excellent renewable potential are critical and the cornerstone of any competitive eFuel production, the cost of capital, CO2 and the length of offtake contracts also have a significant impact on the final fuel price. First eFuel projects will have higher costs, but will pave the way for eFuel competitiveness with conventional fuels. This shift comes as burning fossil fuels will become more expensive as CO2 emissions are priced in, while eFuel production costs will decrease through economies of scale and technology development. Moreover, the DAC technology will become a game changer, being able to produce not only for CO2 sustainability, but also for optimizing overall plant energy management.

With DAC, low-cost renewable energy sites become even more critical for competitive fuel production, as DAC costs are primarily driven by the price of energy to operate the plant. Does this mean that the EU is out of the game when it comes to producing eFuels for road, air and maritime transportation? No, this is not necessarily the case. The EU can still play an important role in two areas.





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