43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Liquid E-Fuels as Chemical Batteries


Dr. E. Jacob, Emissionskonzepte Motoren, Bodman-Ludwigshafen; Prof. Dr. R. Schlögl, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim an der Ruhr / Fritz Haber Institute of Max Planck Society, Berlin:



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Defossilization is the global challenge when combating greenhouse gas emissions. The dimensions of energy systems and the necessary transport and trade of globally produced renewable energy will require the use of chemical batteries in conjunction to producing renewable energy in the form of electricity. Chemical researchers are making enormous efforts to obtain fuels from CO2 by means of catalytic reduction. In this context, methanol synthesis is a major option for chemical batteries. Electricity will be the direct power source of future and globally applicable vehicles, and chemical batteries in the form of liquid fuels, which use the existing infrastructure, will supply the energy. Their storage capacities correspond to global demand. Hydrogen can be stored as methanol through conversion, together with CO2. CO2 acts as a component in a circular economy. In connection with DAC (direct air capture) E-methanol is CO2-neutral up to approximately 90% and can be converted into E-gasoline for existing vehicles. E-methanol is a powerful fuel for motors in generator-electric vehicles and ships, with an effectiveness of about 50%, as well as a primary material for functional E-fuels in the more distant future, in the form of environmentally and health- friendly C1 oxygenates such as OME (oxymethylenether), DMC (dimethyl carbonate) and MF (methyl formate).



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