31. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Power electronics converter electromagnetic interference model and temperature sensing for e-mobility


W. Jamal, K. Li, C.-L. Radu, L. Mavrovounioti, P. Igic, S. Faramehr, S. Shepherd - Coventry University, C. van der Broeck, A. Woerndle, T. Schnorbus - FEV Europe GmbH


Future electrical vehicle power electronics converters are required to be highly efficient and compact, so they need to be highly integrated with reduced components and cool-ing equipment. To achieve it, one challenge is to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI), which is especially important with the emergence of fast switching power semi-conductor devices such as silicon carbide and gallium nitride. Conventional approach based on “design and test” is not appropriate, as it increases overall development time and cost to achieve optimised result. Another challenge is to infer device temperature for safe operation and condition monitoring. Conventional approach based on thermal sensor cannot be applied, as it increases system volume and cost. This paper presents some methods to resolve both EMI and temperature sensing challenges verified by simualation modelling and experemintal validation.

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