43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Evaluation of Large-Scale Pilot Studies on Level 3 Automated Vehicles in Europe


H. Weber MSc, J. Hiller MSc, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. L. Eckstein, RWTH Aachen University; Dr.-Ing. A. Zlocki, fka GmbH, Aachen:



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The EU-Project L3Pilot was a large-scale research project on automated driving in Europe. Over the course of the project, automated vehicles have been operated within Europe collecting data on the vehicles’ behavior and their surroundings. The basis for the project- wide methodology lies within the FESTA methodology for field operational tests, which has been adapted for a Pilot study with pre-series technology. A unified data process facilitated efficient data handling and a harmonized evaluation of the data across the project, which allowed answering research question on automated driving by the end of the project.

The data collected have been evaluated by a scenario-based method. For this, all driving data were clustered into different predefined driving scenarios. From the individual instances of the driving scenarios, performance indicators were derived, which were then used to compare driving behavior of the automated driving function with the behavior of human drivers.

The evaluation of data could confirm the assumption that automated vehicles drive more precise than human drivers, which was for instance apparent in their lane keeping behavior. At the same time, they obey traffic rules, resulting in larger headway distances and lower driven speeds.

Within the follow-up project Hi-Drive, different enabling technologies will be explored to close gaps within the operational design domain of automated systems, such that sustained automated operation within the entire driving domain can be achieved.



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