29 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Water Injection and Hybridisation: Competing Technologies or a Perfect Match?


ir. Joël Op de Beeck, Dipl.-Ing. Laurent Duez, Eng. David Hill, Martin VanEyll, Xavier Querol, Plastic Omnium Advanced Innovation and Research, Brussels, Belgium


The gap between fuel economy results achieved during official test cycles and fuel economy in real driving conditions has continued to grow over the past decades.  
Regulations/limitations are likely to be set to fuel consumption in real driving conditions.  
In the context of such evolution of requirements, the industry is challenged with the question what powertrain is best fit for the future. Is a pure optimisation of the combustion engine efficiency in all driving conditions the best way? Is a far driven hybridisation the optimal solution? Or are there combinations that give a better result?  
This study will analyse the engine efficiency improvement of water injection combined with compression ratio increase. It will study also the advantages of a mild hybrid solution in terms of fuel efficiency optimisation. Finally a combination of both technologies will be assessed.

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