42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

The H2 Combustion Engine – The Forerunner of a Zero Emissions Future


Dipl.-Ing. L. Walter, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) A. Sommermann, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) D. Hyna, Dipl.-Ing. T. Malischewski, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) M. Leistner, Dipl.-Ing. F. Hinrichsen, Dr.-Ing. P. Wöhner, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) J. Schmitt, Dr.-Ing. M. McMackin, MAN Truck & Bus SE, Nuremberg:



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In order to meet national and EU climate targets together with fleet emissions regulations for commercial vehicles, both a significant increase in energy efficiency and a departure from fossil fuels is required. A combustion engine capable of running on a wide range of climate-neutral gaseous fuels could make a decisive contribution towards meeting these requirements. The heavy duty six-cylinder engine concept presented in this paper demonstrates how both the transport of goods and energy production using cogeneration/combined heat and power can be realized in a climate-neutral way. The engine fulfills all emissions, robustness/durability and power/performance requirements for long haul applications. As this paper shows, using the example of pure hydrogen as fuel, with intelligent optimization of the combustion process in conjunction with the exhaust aftertreatment system extremely low emissions are achievable. The requirements of a Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) as defined in the EU CO2 regulations for heavy duty applications can be met by a vehicle employing such an engine concept. This papers outlines the mechanical design of the engine, the use of simulation and single-cylinder engine testing to support the development process, the engine control strategy, and key experimental results to date.

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