30 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

PUNCH H2-ICE & Flybrid KERS for Decarbonizing Off-Highway Applications


S. Scalabrini, PUNCH Hydrocells


The present paper discusses the results of an innovative green power pack constituted by Hydrogen-powered Internal Combustion Engine (H2-ICE) in combination with a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS). In a world rapidly moving towards sustainable energy generation but plagued by the economic uncertainty that this epochal transition causes, the possibility to merge H2 cleanness with best available ICE technology represents an interesting option to bridge this conundrum. In this paper the authors analyze the case of off-highway machinery, i.e. gensets and construction equipment, where requirements for durability, efficiency, energy consumption and dependability are high. This makes decarbonization challenging for battery-electric solutions; in this view H2-ICE represents an attractive proposition, based on proven ICE technology....

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