30 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Prediction and Simulation of Cold Start Emission Behavior using eFuels


J. Villforth, A. C. Kulzer, H.-P. Deeg, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG; M. Bargende, Universität Stuttgart


Current developments are mostly accompanied by the urge for increased sustainability. For Porsche, electro-mobility is a top priority, and eFuel production from renewable electricity is seen as a reasonable addition. Internal combustion engines and the exhaust after-treatment systems have reached a very high hardware and software performance and complexity. These make it difficult to further reduce emissions to meet steadily tightening emission legislation. Synthetic fuels from renewable energy sources can contribute to reduce emissions and additionally provide a sustainable energy carrier for road transportation. The influence of single components and fuel formulations on emission formation have been investigated in various publications....

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