42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Concept of a Multi-Gas Sensor to Meet the Strictest Emission Requirements for Combustion Engines


J. Herrmann MSc, Dr.-Ing. G. Hagen, Dr.-Ing. J. Kita, Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Moos, University of Bayreuth; Dipl.-Ing. D. Bleicker, Dipl.-Ing. F. Noack, CPK Automotive GmbH & Co. KG, Münster:



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Due to strict emission limits for nitrogen oxides in the field of combustion engines, there are various concepts for exhaust gas aftertreatment. All require robust sensors for monitoring and control. In addition to commercially available zirconia-based sensors, a new impedancebased NOx sensor is developed. The sensor is fabricated using planar thick film technique, where a NOx-sensitive functional material is deposited on screen-printed interdigital electrodes. Since the NOx signal of the sensor depends on the λ-value of the surrounding gas, an O2-sensitive functional layer is integrated on the sensor substrate additionally. It can be shown that both functional layers can be operated individually as well as simultaneously without affecting each other. By recording NO-dependent and O2-dependent characteristic curves, the O2-sensitive functional layer can be used to correct the λ-dependent NOx signal and convert it into a NOx concentration. In further optimization of the sensor, a new heater layer structure was developed, which allows for more accurate temperature control of the functional layers. In addition, a protective cap for this sensor application was designed by means of flow simulation.

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