42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

The Car’s Electronic Architecture in Motion: The Coming Transformation


R. Mader, G. Winkler, T. Reindl, N. Pandya, Vitesco Technologies, Regensburg / Auburn Hills, USA:



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Our paper explores carmakers’ practical challenges in deploying new Electrical and Electronics E/E architectures to manage the ever-increasing cost and complexity of vehicle electronics. We also highlight the product and technology innovations from Vitesco Technologies, which are enabling carmakers to navigate these challenges and bringing their future E/E architectures to life. We describe the family of electronic Master Controllers, which will play an important supervisory role in the vehicle’s future motion control E/E architecture. We address solutions for managing the complexity of large-scale software integration needed on such Master Controllers, via technologies such as “AUTOSAR Classic Flexibility” and “Virtual Applications”. These technologies allow software systems to be split into separately programmable Software Clusters, independently developed across many companies and eventually integrated with minimal impact to the overall system. Like Apps on a smartphone, Software Clusters are connected to the rest of the software system after the programming process. The use of AUTOSAR Classic Flexibility allows carmakers to reuse their legacy software assets in a smooth transition to new vehicle E/E architectures. Our paper describes Vitesco Technologies’ electronic hardware and software solutions for future E/E architectures and highlights key technical roles required to manage the complexity of future software architectures. Finally, we highlight the new business models between carmakers and their suppliers which our software technology unlocks.

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