45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

"Design for Circularity" to Optimize Resource Efficiency of Fuel Cells for Heavy-Duty Transport


A. Engelen, M. Schäfer, cellcentric GmbH & Co. KG, Kirchheim/Teck-Nabern:



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Fuel cells enable highly efficient and emission-free drives for heavy-duty long-distance transportation. Even taking into account the production of the hydrogen fuel, the overall balance (well-to-wheel) of the fuel cell drive for a truck is very advantageous in terms of emissions, including greenhouse gases and energy consumption. In addition, fuel cells offer further positive aspects in terms of overall sustainability. While proven concepts for reusability and sustainable disposal exist for most fuel cell system components such as air compressors or pumps due to their similarity to combustion engine components, appropriate methods need to be developed for the fuel cell stack. Many components of the stack can now either be remanufactured and reused or recycled in an environmentally friendly manner. The prerequisite for this is that the components can be easily disassembled at a later date. The minimized CO2 footprint of the fuel cell in its first use and the reusability of the components for implementing the "Design for Circularity" principle are demonstrated using a specific example.





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