43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Opportunities and Potentials for New Battery Technologies – Will Li-Ion Battery Technology Dominate the Electric Passenger Car Market in the Long Term?


Dipl.-Ing. M. Hackmann, Dipl.-Ing. J. Schenk, Dr. E. Keßler, I. Miller, R. Stanek, P3 automotive GmbH, Stuttgart:



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Increasing battery demand and requirements for more powerful batteries are pushing current lithium-ion battery technology more and more to its limits. Recent developments are attracting high media attention and both new players and established manufacturers are working on the realization and implementation of their next battery technologies as a major challenge.

A strong push is observed to implement new technologies not only at the battery level, but also at the cell level. Recently, CATL's announcement regarding the use of Na-ion batteries made headlines, and the development of solid-state battery cells is also being continuously driven forward by announcements of cooperation between automotive manufacturers and solid-state battery producers. Consequently, the question arises whether the Li-ion technology will continue to dominate the market, despite continuous further developments through the use of higher energy materials, or whether it could be replaced by new battery technologies in the long term.

The presentation will evaluate the market readiness and competitiveness of future technologies in comparison to Li-ion battery technology with respect to performance, safety, scalability, and cost aspects. For this purpose, material and system technologies will be simulated in a reference system in order to provide precise estimates of potential and cost.



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