43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Potential Analysis of an Emission-Free Hydrogen Closed-Cycle-Engine


K. Klepatz MSc, R. Tempelhagen MSc, A. Dafis MSc, Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Rottengruber, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg; Dipl.-Ing. L. Kniestedt, M. Cech MSc, WTZ Roßlau gGmbH, Dessau-Roßlau:



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The transition to CO2-neutral sources of energy is a central issue of our time. In order to increase the amount of renewable energy sources in the electricity mix, effective and economical storage technologies are required. One technically and economically sensible option is the electricity storage by using hydrogen electrolysis and subsequent reconversion to the power grid using an H2 closed-cycle engine. During the engine operation, the aspirated air is substituted by an oxygen-enriched inert carrier gas. After the thermal conversion of H2 and O2, the resulting water is separated and the inert gas is recycled back to the combustion chamber. As a result of the substitution of the ambient air by an inert gas, nitrogen oxide emissions are completely avoided. In this study, the thermodynamics of a stationary H2 closed-cycle engine is analyzed. For this purpose, CFD and 1D simulation models of the closed-cycle engine are created to show the influence of the inert carrier gas on the hydrogen combustion. The simulation results are validated with measurement data from an existing closed cycle engine. A variation of the carrier gases, in which argon, helium and neon are considered, is executed. Furthermore, a CO2 enrichment resulting from the combustion of lubricant oil as well as the scavenging frequency of the carrier gas in the closed-cycle engine is investigated.



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