44th International Vienna Motor Symposium

System Optimization in a State-of-the-Art V8 6.6l Hydrogen Engine


Ing. R. Golisano, Ing. S. Scalabrini, Ing. N. Sacco, Dr.-Ing. R. Rossi, PUNCH Hydrocells Srl, Torino; Ing. L. Buzzi, Dr.-Ing. P. Cerracchio, Dr. M. Ferrera, Ing. E. Manta, Ing. F. Numidi, Dr.-Ing. F. Pesce, Dr.-Ing. G. Stirpe, Dr.-Ing. A. Vassallo, Ing. A. Zingariello, PUNCH Torino SpA, Torino:



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The simultaneous reduction of GHG gases and criteria pollutants is the main target of current engine development. Hydrogen (H2) fueling is one of the best options available in both regards, as it does not emit tailpipe CO2 as well as significantly abates all criteria pollutants already at engine-out level. However, optimizing H2 combustion to exploit the fuel properties at best is a challenging task due to the very particular features of the H2 once employed in an engine. In fact, H2 combustion promotes a clean, fast and complete combustion process. The usage of lean-boosted and EGR-diluted combustion strategies can significantly contribute to raise the brake thermal efficiency and lower the NOx emission to extremely low levels. To this end, the Authors developed a novel combustion system featuring optimized injection and ignition systems and their corresponding layout, as well as a dedicated piston bowl for an engine derived from Diesel operating as H2 monofuel, in SI mode. In this paper, they discuss the effects on combustion system performances of the main parameters, investigated by means of CFD analysis and experimental DOE techniques.



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