17th Symposium - The Working Prozess of the Internal Combustion Engine
New energies test facilities – Solutions for a sustainable future
Gregor Zemitzsch, Jörg Fischer, Edwin Heimberg, Thomas Ille, Stefan Zemitzsch, SBI Schreiber, Brand und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
The automotive industry is changing. While in the past individual mobility, performance and speed have been the focus, sustainability, digitalization and connectivity are now the main topics of development. Driving factors are, inter alia, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the Dieselgate and related ban on vehicles in cities as well as electric car quotas in China. In the course of the development of sustainable drive technologies we generally speak of "New Energies".
Due to the changes in the automotive industry, the planning of test facilities is changing as well. In the past, the testing task was regarded as the central starting point for planning. The buildings and related building services were designed for functionality, the costs played a rather subordinate role. In addition, you always had to handle a large amount of different fuels. Today, the entire testing process is considered with all its upstream and downstream steps. Sustainability has become a central part of building planning. And within the building, we find a changed energy management, driven by the change of technology and legal requirements (EEWärmeG, EnEV).
We describe these changes in planning with the term "New Energies Test Facilities".
At SBI, we divide the planning of test facilities in four categories:
● Workflow Management
● Building Design
● Testing Technology
● Building Services Engineering
In the following it is shown, which contribution these four categories make to the topic of sustainability.
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