42nd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Future Euro 7 / VII Powertrains: Challenges and Feasibility


Dr.-Ing. Michael Krüger, Dipl.-Ing. Martin Krüger, Dr.-Ing. A. Kufferath, Dipl.-Ing. D. Naber, Dr.-Ing. E. Schünemann, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart:



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According to its own statement, the European Commission intends to apply a new approach for the determination of the future Euro 7 / VII regulation. The new legislation should be derived from the political goal of “Zero Pollution”, which is formulated in the Green Deal. From this, the requirement is derived to allow only the lowest possible emissions for any type of trip using "Best Available Technology". Limit values and boundary conditions clearly lose their relation to actually relevant driving conditions and the need for action to improve air quality. On October 27, 2020, in the meeting of the "Advisory Group for Vehicle Emission Standards" (AGVES), the CLOVE consortium, which is the technical advisory body of the EU Commission, presented two scenarios as the basis for the Euro 7 (passenger cars and light commercial vehicles) and Euro VII (heavy commercial vehicles) legislation for the first time. From Bosch's point of view, the scenarios presented cannot be implemented with the technology available at the introductory period. This is especially true because the significantly tighter limit values and compliance with them even under extreme, combinatorial boundary conditions cannot be robustly accomplished. Likewise, a robust fulfillment of the diagnostics, homologation and vehicle release requirements on the part of the vehicle manufacturer is not feasible in this form. These statements apply to both gasoline and diesel powertrains in passenger cars and in light and heavy commercial vehicles. Even if, according to the European Commission, the scenarios only represent an initial basis for discussion, this presentation by Robert Bosch GmbH is intended as an attempt to make an initial assessment of the technically feasible emission reduction potential in connection with the corresponding boundary conditions with regard to the Euro 7 / VII emission standards. Here, both the established air quality standards and greenhouse gas emissions as well as affordable and available mobility for transport of passengers and goods should be taken into account.

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