43rd International Vienna Motor Symposium

Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Next Generation High Efficiency Powertrains with 48V EGR Pump


N. L. Bagal, Eaton, Southfield, USA; C. Bitsis, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA:



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Upcoming regulations for Heavy Duty (HD) Diesel commercial vehicles include simultaneous CO2 and NOX reduction requirements. Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) is one of the most efficient and widely used engine-out NOX reduction technologies. Variable Geometry turbochargers (VGT) are commonly used to drive EGR but have limitations in certain operating conditions and can come with an efficiency and fuel penalty. A positive displacement EGR pump provides a mechanism to decouple engine boosting and EGR flow requirement for a turbocharger. Use of EGR pump is a more efficient & controllable means of meeting engine EGR requirement while a simple, robust and more efficient fixed geometry turbocharger can be used to meet engine boosting requirement. This allows reduction in engine back pressure thus reducing pumping work and improving engine fuel economy and help meet CO2 regulations.

In this study, 48V EGR pump evaluation is performed using analytical tools and engine testing to understand the performance impact. GT-POWER engine models are used to optimize air system including turbo selection. Selected hardware is then tested on a 15L engine to understand CO2 improvement for steady state and transient operating conditions. Engine test results show 2-6% BSFC improvement on extended steady state and ~4% improvement on hot FTP cycle.



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