30 Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Identification and Evaluation of Trust-Relevant Driving Situation Factors for Automated Driving (SAE Level4/5)


P. S. C. Dautzenberg, M.Sc., Dr. phil. G. M. I. Voß, F. Ruß, M.Sc., T. Oetermann, M.Sc., C. Brockmeier, M.Sc., Dr. phil. S. Ladwig, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. L. Eckstein, Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika), RWTH Aachen University


With advancing technical possibilities, the implementation and market launch of automated vehicles is drawing ever closer. In this process, development faces not only technical and legal challenges, but also challenges regarding potential users. A prerequisite for the success of automated vehicles is user acceptance and the associated intention to use them. This, in turn, is significantly influenced by trust in automation. With regard to trust in automation, the influence of system behaviour and user factors has often been investigated in the past. In the context of the present work, the less frequently investigated external situation factors are examined. To better understand, describe, and classify potentially trust-relevant situation factors with regard to their criticality for trust, literature researches, interviews as well as an expert workshop were conducted. The result is a structured listing of potentially trust-relevant driving situation factors as well as criteria for the macro- and microscopic description of these situations and situation factors. The potentially trust-relevant situation factors and criteria theoretically derived within the present work will be verified and (if necessary) extended in the context of a planned on-road study.

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